CNS Therapeutic Xchange Europe 2022, Zurich - 24th November
Transpharmation's Scientific Lead for EEG, Sleep and Epilepsy, Sandor Kantor PhD, will be making a spotlight presentation on the 24th of November at 13.20-13.50. His presentation is titled 'The effect of CNS-acting drugs on rodent mismatch negativity is modulated by vigilance states' and will expand on the following aspects: Mismatch negativity (MMN) is a component of event-related potentials that is diminished in many neuropsychiatric disorders including schizophrenia; Central nervous system (CNS)-acting drugs often alter vigilance states, and it is not well understood how the drug-induced changes in sleep-wake behaviour affect MMN generation; An overview of the recent rodent MMN research with a special focus on vigilance state specific changes and discuss the methodological aspects and future implications of the latest findings.
For further information about this event please see here:
To view the presentation after the event please contact us.